Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesdays= Date Nights

All parents of small children know that it is very hard to have adult conversations amongst a husband and wife while the children are awake and running around.  I know having our third child who is still very dependent on me has taken a toll on my personal sanity at times.  I have no quiet time with my husband, let alone myself.  A couple weeks ago I was feeling pretty down because Rudy and I were just so busy, go go go!  And we were losing that **SPARK**!  It's sad when you look around and things are just blah!  We have so much to be thankful for...don't get me wrong!  Our three beautiful girls, our home, our marriage and our God!  But I just missed Rudy.  I think this is something that A LOT of couples go through and I think it is super important to make time for each other.  Rudy and I are very open about our history together.  It's been a few bumpy roads that God gets all the glory for bringing us off of!  We even attended marriage counseling about two years ago.  It was the best thing we could have ever done!  In our times meeting with the pastor conducting our sessions, he encouraged us to have date nights regularly in the home and outside of the home!

Blah blah we are!
Finally making the time to have regular date nights at home!

So some of my friends were telling me to write down what we do and share our dates so that it can give them ideas of what to I said, "I'll BLOG about it!"  

Three weeks ago, we ordered Qdoba take out, put the kids to bed and played Yahtzee!  I am a big believer in the kids have a regular bedtime and Mom and Dad having personal time.  Do what you want ::wink wink::  But quiet time together is IMPORTANT!  So that was date one...qdoba and yahtzee!
Last week we ordered in Chinese food and just talked for about two hours!  It was great to sit on the couch and just 'hang out'!
This week we are going to try something we have wanted to do for years!  Make sushi!  So, I will blog later about how it goes!

I'm super excited and I look forward to every Wednesday with my husband!!

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